APG|SGA SA is an established and well-known brand in Switzerland. Founded in 1900, APG|SGA SA is Switzerland’s biggest out-of-home media advertiser. With over 480 employees, APG|SGA SA offers digital, analogue, mobile and interactive advertising solutions in public spaces. Go anywhere in Switzerland and you’ll see an APG|SGA managed outdoor advertising space. APG|SGA has ad space on streets and squares, on public transportation, at railway stations, at airports, shopping centers and even in the mountains.
Divio and APG|SGA SA started their collaboration back in 2012. At that time, Divio was engaged to help APG|SGA SA with their new web presence and cloud hosting solution. Divio has helped APG|SGA SA with infrastructure performance optimization, application orchestration and application security ever since. For over a decade, APG|SGA SA has reliably run their web applications on Public Cloud solutions through the Divio PaaS.